
Discover Our Organization

The company is entirely managed by resources from various disciplines with experience and skills in their respective fields. Each personnel member holds qualifications as AMDAL preparers (KTPA & ATPA) and technical expertise in geophysics, chemistry, biology, socio-cultural studies, public health, traffic, and more.


Our Vision

To become a competent and professional environmental consultancy company and a forefront advocate for sustainable and environmentally conscious development.

Our Mission

  • Providing environmental consulting services in accordance with applicable policies and regulations to meet customer needs and satisfaction.
  • Continuously enhancing personnel capabilities as team leaders, members, or experts in all supporting areas.
  • Improving the company's performance and capacity to deliver high-quality, on-time results.
  • Delivering the best environmental consulting services to achieve client satisfaction while upholding the values of Pancasila, science, culture, ethics, and professionalism.

Our Organizational Structure


Our Experience and Portfolio

Showcasing our dedication to excellence and impactful environmental solutions.

Name of InstitutionWork PackageLocationYearType of Service
PT Bright Mobile Telecommunication Studi AMDAL Kegiatan Industri Pabrik OppoKota Tangerang2024AMDAL
PAM JayaStudi AMDAL Kegiatan ISPAM Jatiluhur Paket 7 (Tambahan) Proyek SBSN PUPRJatiluhur2024AMDAL
PT DIC GraphicsStudi AMDAL Kegiatan Industri Kimia Dasar Organik dan Lainnya untuk Bahan Baku Zat Penawaran dan Pigment dan Indusrti Pupuk ZA, CuS, Garam Ammonium, Kapur Basah dan Asam SulfatKawarang2024AMDAL
PT Sari Asih Putra MandiriStudi AMDAL Kegiatan Rumah Sakit Sari Asih CiledugKota Tangerang2023AMDAL
PT Sari Asih Infiardi Studi AMDAL Kegiatan Rumah Sakit Sari Asih SangiangKota Tangerang2023AMDAL
PT Sumber Anugerah UtamaStudi AMDAL Tipe A Kegiatan Pengelolaan Limbah B3 di GresikJawa Timur2023AMDAL

Perkantoran Nova Casa Square No 17, Jl. Raya Serpong KM2, RT. 001/008 Kec. Serpong Kel. Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan, 15311

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