The company is entirely managed by resources from various disciplines with experience and skills in their respective fields. Each personnel member holds qualifications as AMDAL preparers (KTPA & ATPA) and technical expertise in geophysics, chemistry, biology, socio-cultural studies, public health, traffic, and more.
To become a competent and professional environmental consultancy company and a forefront advocate for sustainable and environmentally conscious development.
Showcasing our dedication to excellence and impactful environmental solutions.
Name of Institution | Work Package | Location | Year | Type of Service |
PT Bright Mobile Telecommunication | Studi AMDAL Kegiatan Industri Pabrik Oppo | Kota Tangerang | 2024 | AMDAL |
PAM Jaya | Studi AMDAL Kegiatan ISPAM Jatiluhur Paket 7 (Tambahan) Proyek SBSN PUPR | Jatiluhur | 2024 | AMDAL |
PT DIC Graphics | Studi AMDAL Kegiatan Industri Kimia Dasar Organik dan Lainnya untuk Bahan Baku Zat Penawaran dan Pigment dan Indusrti Pupuk ZA, CuS, Garam Ammonium, Kapur Basah dan Asam Sulfat | Kawarang | 2024 | AMDAL |
PT Sari Asih Putra Mandiri | Studi AMDAL Kegiatan Rumah Sakit Sari Asih Ciledug | Kota Tangerang | 2023 | AMDAL |
PT Sari Asih Infiardi | Studi AMDAL Kegiatan Rumah Sakit Sari Asih Sangiang | Kota Tangerang | 2023 | AMDAL |
PT Sumber Anugerah Utama | Studi AMDAL Tipe A Kegiatan Pengelolaan Limbah B3 di Gresik | Jawa Timur | 2023 | AMDAL |